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What are the EB2 and EB3 Green Cards?

(Legal Permanent Residence through an Employer)
There are 3 kinds of Green Card that an employer can file for you. They are called EB1, EB2 and EB3. Depending upon the category chosen, there may be different steps required and you may hear people refer to the process as Labor Certification or PERM.



EB3 (most common):

Stage 1 : Determining the wage for the job

Get a job offer from an employer

PWD (Prevailing Wage Request)

Cost: NONE
Time: 6 months
Your employer makes a “prevailing wage request” to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) . The employer has to obtain the average wage for the profession to make sure you are not paid less than the average American for this job.

Labor Certification : Place Ads & Recruiting

Cost: $3,500
Time: 3 months
The next recruitment step is especially critical, as the entire point of the process is to demonstrate to the DOL (Department of Labor) that no willing and qualified U.S. workers applied for the job opportunity. Your employer must conduct “good faith” recruitment, which means the recruitment must be genuinely calculated to attract any available U.S. workers. There are three mandatory advertisements. Your employer must place an advertisement with the state workforce agency in the state of intended employment.

What are the EB2 and EB3 Green Cards?

(Legal Permanent Residence through an Employer)
Additionally, your employer must place newspaper advertisements on two different Sundays. The newspaper must be the major newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment. Along with the mandatory advertisements, your employer must also place three other advertisements and post a notice of the job opportunity at the worksite location.

Labor Certification : File ETA Form 9089 (PERM)

Cost: NONE
Time: 9 months
After the advertisements are complete, your employer will file the application with the DOL using ETA Form 9089 (provided no qualified and willing U.S. workers applied for the job position). The ETA Form 9089 again provides the DOL with information on the job opportunity (such as the worksite location, duties, requirements, and prevailing wage), information on the employer’s recruitment process (such as where the employer placed the ads and on what dates), and information on the foreign worker (such as the worker’s place of birth, education credentials, and work experience). After filing the ETA Form 9089, you will wait several months for the DOL to adjudicate the PERM. The DOL can: 1.
If your PERM is audited, the DOL will ask your employer to provide additional evidence for the application. After your employer responds to the audit request, the DOL will review the new evidence and either approve or deny the PERM.

Stage 2: File form I-140

Cost $700 and if premium processing is additional $2,500 Time: 15 days

After receiving the approved PERM, your employer can move on to the next big step of the process, which is filing an I-140 visa petition on your behalf with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This is the actual Application for an immigrant (green card) visa.

Stage 3: Change status to Legal Permanent Residence

Green Card Cost $1, 225 per adult and $750 per child (under 14)
Time: at least 9 months

Work Permit and Travel Permits are received in 3 months. Once the I-140 is approved, you have to file an adjustment of status for the whole family. It is imperative that you are all in some status when the adjustment is filed. If you are out of the country then the Green Card is processed at your local embassy.

Our business set up & consulting fees: $15,000

USA immigration fees: $6,700+

total fees: $15,000 + $6,700 + $21,700+ = $16,268

* You have to bring an employer who is willing to sponsor you. * If you don’t have an employers, share your resume or CV with us and our recruitment agency will try to locate a suitable employer for a fee.

EB1: Extraordinary Ability/Outstanding Professor/ Multinational Executive


Available to foreign nationals who demonstrate extraordinary ability in their field, whether the sciences, the arts, education, business, or athletics. Extraordinary ability is normally proven through showing evidence of “sustained national or international acclaim”
You may File your own petition without an employer, or have an employer file for you. No matter if you require an employer or not, no recruitment is necessary.
There are 3 kinds of EB1 applications:

Extraordinary Ability:

Outstanding Professors and Researchers:

Multinational Manager or Executive:

Employer Criteria for Multinational Manager or Executive:

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EB3 & EB2 Greencard Through Employer BOLD

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